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We suggest that you make a copy of this page (select all, then copy) then paste the page into a blank word file and save it somewhere convenient. In this file, you can use the questions to clarify your ideas about your project, write your own thoughts and comments against the various questions, as you wish, and correct the whole picture over time, as it becomes more clear.

Getting Started


This worksheet is intended to help you clarify your vision for what you want to achieve in a particular place where you have a possibility, or an opportunity, to do something. It may be part of an existing neighborhood, or a small neighborhood. It should express the important physical characteristics of the place you are thinking of, where it is, the land, the buildings that are already there, and the building site itself if there is one that is well defined.


Your Vision

What is your vision of the place you hope to create. Just describe, in your own words (and as if it was already finished), what it will be like, if you succeed in getting, in the most perfect way you can imagine, what you most dearly hope for.





Who are the people you will involve in developing the vision, walking the land, framing a shared idea of what the neighborhood can become, and building the place? They are likely to be neighbors, city planers, builders, craftspeople, and other professionals who can help with conceiving, planning, financing, and building the place you hope to create.


Additional Practical Details

To the extent possible, please give us some additional practical details. Visualize the place as it is now, and as you hope it will be after you have finished.


  1. Roughly how big is the land where you would like to do your project?


  1. Where is it?


  1. What do you want to build there?


  1. What elements are you considering? Listing the elements you want to place on the site (homes, gardens, parks, public buildings, etc.) begins to define the neighborhood and becomes a basis for generative codes.


  1. Who is currently involved in the project?


  1. Who needs to become involved?


  1. What work has already been done (e.g. pattern language, group discussions, sketches, meetings with professionals, etc.)?


  1. What is already built on the site? In your view, should these built structures be preserved and/or repaired?


  1. Have you made any site maps that show 1) the precious places on the site that need to be preserved and enhanced; 2) beautiful views; 3) the ways in and out?


  1. What is (are) the funding source(s), and how much money is available?


  1. What are the funding triggers that bring money to the project? Are there specific events or achievements which act as milestones to unleash funds?