Chapter 7
Pages 299-312: Introduction to the idea that order or design can be personal or impersonal -- and that the impersonal is less subtle, and less differentiated. |
Chapter 8
Pages 313-50: Detailed discussion of the way that different things may be compared according to the degree in which they seem to be a picture of our own self. Surprising idea that this is not idiosyncratic, but that those things with a "mirror of the self like structure" are experienced in that way by the majority of people, and that the judgement is in large part cross-cultural. It is, in short, an objective quality in things, experienced in roughly the same way by all human beings. This test, based on subjective experience, is an empirical way to decide whether or not, or in what degree the quality of life is there. |
Chapter 9
Pages 351-70: Discussion of other empirical tests which bring essentially the same quality to light, in objects, through different questions, tests, and experimental procedures. |
Chapter 10
Pages 392-97: How the mirror of the self enters in , practically, to the most emotional experiences we have in our surroundings. |
Chapter 4
Pages 74-110: Another way to see the quality of "self" in a thing, is to look for the ten thousand beings in a thing, and recognize that a thing is alive and profound, in that degree to which it is filled with "beings" -- that is, centers within centers, which themselves have the being quality. Many examples, and empirical discussion of this quality. |
Chapter 5
Pages 112-134: A chapter devoted to the making of things (especially buildings) with the being quality in them. Examples of how it fails, how it succeeds, and what steps may be taken to bring it about. |